Sunny's 1st Days


She was one of two, but she came into the world November 16, 2009 by herself, two months early and weighing 2 pounds and 1 ounce. Instantly, I felt a bond and she wasn’t even mine; I was going to spoil her like she was, I had made up my mind. My niece, Madisyn Soiele, a vision of perfection, lie in her incubator, needles, ventilator and every kind of medical apparatus covered her body. Her eyes were even covered to avoid damage from the Bili-light. Her herniated navel protruded to an unbelievable grotesque size, but still she was perfect. I was in love. I needed to project all my positive energy toward only her. I wanted her home and she could not come soon enough. I did everything to see her in the hospital (some illegal), but I knew she needed to know I was there and we all took turns, letting her know we were there.   


Sunny: 4 Months Old


Two months later, she was home; she’s a strong one! My brother and his girlfriend had been complaining no one came to visited their new place. They had fixed it up really nice and he wanted to test out his cooking skills. The family tag teams  them now, taking turns visiting sweet Sunny. (That is my nickname for Madisyn). I think is it fitting. She brightens my days and my nights when I stare at my computer screen’s background which she graces. She is on every computer screen in my home… count four. My father washes all her dirty clothes and takes hours folding them just so. Their interaction is a wonderful sight. My mother will surely go broke buying everything in the baby stores. We fight over who is going to hold her and she lets us. My brother and his girlfriend just stand back and let us at her because there is nothing they can do about it.   

The best part about this whole experience is Aunie (Au-nee) — the name I am affectionately called by my other niece and nephew — is able to baby-sit (gladly) any time. She is a great baby. She only cries when she is hungry and at this very moment she weighs 8 pounds 5 ounces. She can put that Enfamil back!! She is very healthy and is developing a personality so very young. It is amazing how fast children mature. She is not mine, but I suffer withdrawals when she has to leave. My daughter, who is 22 now asked me if I missed having a baby. It is not a longing of having another baby that causes my anxiety. It is knowing what she will have to face in life, all that she has faced thus far. I want to protect her. She was born six days after my birthday and I know that was no mistake. She knows me; we have bonded… I feel a sense of responsibility for my niece to make sure she lives a life as good as the one my siblings, daughter, cousins and niece and nephew shared. Can you believe that is the same baby? I am in love!!!   

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